The first VS Code update in 2020 was released. In addition to new preview features, parts of the workbench have been revised and the panel moved. Visual Studio Code 1.42 is here. The January release, traditionally named by Microsoft after the previous month of the release, has a number of new features, improvements and bug fixes.
VS Code update: This is new
For an individual adjustment and better arrangement, the panel can now be moved, which contains the debug console, the output and the terminal. The following commands were introduced for this purpose:
- workbench.action.positionPanelLeft (move to the left)
- workbench.action.positionPanelRight (move to the right)
- workbench.action.positionPanelBottom (move down)
For easier orientation, collapsed code areas are now provided with an additional highlighting and are intended to be more clearly visible. This is made possible by the setting editor.foldingHighlight.
Also for the purpose of an improved organization and overview, the closing of editors can be automated. The default deactivated setting can be applied via workbench.editor.limit.enabled and can also be adapted to the desired number of open editors. Visual Studio Code will close the most recently used editors unless they contain unsaved files.
New preview panel and view of the upcoming timeline
As a further new feature, the update includes the option of displaying the results of a method renaming in a Refactor Preview Panel. Here you can see the changes that the new name brings without affecting the original code.
The new view of the timeline is still being worked on, but is already available as a preview in the Insiders version . Git Commits, Test Runs and other events are shown here. Community feedback is intended to further improve this feature before it is implemented by default.
New tutorials have been made available for the Docker area, which include instructions for containerizing Node.js and .NET Core applications. All information about the January release of Visual Studio Code can be found on the official website.