Continue with Angular 8: The new release candidate, Angular 8 RC.5, brings some new features. These include two features, two deprecations, a breaking change and several bugfixes.
The release cycle of Angular provides for a new major release every six months. That works better, but sometimes not so good. At Angular 7 the release came on time in October. Thus, Angular 8 would have to follow in April or May 2019. Until then, it continues first with minor releases of Angular 7 and then the beta versions of Angular 8.
The release candidates of Angular 8
Another release candidate for Angular 8 is available: With Angular 8.0.0-rc.5 something will be done on the upcoming major release. Two new features, two deprecations, a breaking change and a number of bug fixes are included in the release. One of the new features is relevant for anyone still using AngularJS parts in their project. The onUrlChange hook now also detects URL updates triggered by AngularJS. This update is in the context of the Location Services updates released in RC.0, designed to facilitate the upgrade from AngularJS to Angular 8.
The second of the new features for Angular 8 is a stricter typing for SlicePipe. So far, errors ngFor not been found in ngFor since type was issued as any . Now the selection of approved types has been restricted accordingly, so the TypeChecking with Ivy works as intended.
The new release Candidate marked the deprecated integration with the Web Tracing Framework (WTF) and platform-webworker . The Breaking Change @ViewChild and @ContentChild queries, which will no longer be automatically sorted by the compiler in the future, but must be manually marked as static or dynamic. Not affected are @ViewChildren and @ContentChildren.
Bazel has three bugfixes in the release. In addition, problems were fixed in the core and in the router.
Whether Angular 8 as advertised in May will appear is not known. All further information about the current release candidate can be found in the changelog on GitHub .