HTML and DOM: W3C and WHATWG are working on a uniform version

The W3C and WHATWG have signed an agreement to co-develop a single version of the HTML and DOM specifications.

There is good news for the further development of HTML. The two major web consortia – the W3C and the WHATWG – have signed an agreement on Tuesday agreeing to work together on a unified version of DOM and HTML.

HTML and DOM: What happened until now?

The W3C ( World Wide Web Consortium ) was founded in 1994, Tim Berners-Lee is currently chairing. W3C is and has been responsible for the development of HTML, XHTML, XML, CSS, PNG and SVG graphics formats, and some other recommendations or web standards.

The WHATWG ( Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group ) is a working group of browser manufacturers that includes Mozilla, Opera and Apple. The group was founded in 2007 and is also responsible for a number of specifications. Including microdata, web workers and HTML5.

In the past there have been frequent tensions between these two important organizations, which was not conducive to the development of weaving techniques.

What can we hope for?

It has long been clear to the actors that working on two different specifications for HTML and DOM will not benefit anyone. Therefore, it has been decided to revive the common HTML working group shortly. This will help the W3C community address issues and propose solutions for the HTML and DOM specifications and include the WHATWG drafts in the recommendation.

The W3C and WHATWG should work together on HTML and DOM in the WHATWG repositories to create a living standard and recommendations / designs. The maintenance and maintenance of the Living standard should be done by the WHATWG, the W3C supports the community work directly in the WHATWG repositories.

The W3C will stop independently releasing a set of HTML and DOM specifications, and instead will work to incorporate the WHATWG designs into the W3C recommendations.

Since the two organizations have been working towards this cooperation for more than one and a half years, it can be assumed that the agreement reached now will last longer. Developers can assume that this collaboration will not be to their detriment.

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