Home Development Node.js 11.8 is here: news for the worker threads

Node.js 11.8 is here: news for the worker threads

Node.js 11.8 is here

Node.js 11.8 is here. Included are two updates for the worker threads as well as two new experimental features and a few more new features.

In Node 11.7, the worker thread feature flag was removed, which was first implemented in version 10.5. Thus, the feature since this version is considered ready for practical use. The worker threads now allow users to run their code in Node.js in parallel. Now we continue to work on the feature.

With the latest release of Node.js, version 11.8, process.umask() now available as a read-only function within worker threads. In addition, an execArgv option has been added for the worker threads, so some command-line options are now supported.

Node.js 11.8: Experimental Features

Node.js 11.8 has received some new additions to the worker thread updates. Below are two new experimental features. One of them is a first implementation of Module Integrity Checks that are executed through the policy. The status of the experimental feature means that the implementation can undergo even more changes before it is completed. The second experimental feature is a Diagnostic API, which can be called via process.report and Command Line Flags. The tool is already available as a stand-alone module under the name node-report and has now been integrated into the Node.js core. As the module description shows, the node-report should generate readable reports for the developer.

Among other things, they worked on error events and N-API. An overview of the changes can be found in the release notes of Myles Borins in the official Node.js blog.

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